The Importance of World Mental Health Day 2022
While the pandemic has taken its toll on our mental health, the ability to reconnect through World Mental Health Day will allow us to re-ignite our efforts to protect and promote mental health.
Mental health is a huge issue in today’s society, and it is something we should all be more aware of.
Mental health is so important because it can affect every aspect of your life and the lives of those around you. It has a huge impact on how you feel, think, and act.
The world has changed dramatically in the past few decades; we're more connected than ever before and have more opportunities to pursue our goals. We are living in an era of unprecedented change, but we are struggling with unprecedented levels of stress, depression, and anxiety.
How common are mental health problems?
1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England.
1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problem (like anxiety and depression) in any given week in England.
In any given week in England mixed anxiety and depression affects 8 in 100 people
(Mind UK, 2020).
Inequalities in mental health.
The mental health of some populations is significantly worse than that of others, which frequently reflects social hardship. These same groups of persons frequently have inadequate access to appropriate and effective mental health care. Additionally, even when they do receive support, they often have worse experiences and outcomes, which can sometimes be harmful. Many people from many demographic groups are impacted by this "triple barrier" of mental health inequality. (Centre for Mental Health, 2020).
The centre for mental health has put together an infographic which highlights the various inequalities faced within the field of mental health. This can be found by clicking the link below.
Mental health provision, specifically wait times in the UK are varied and as a result, people with mental health issues often have to wait a long time for treatment. Improving access to psychological therapies (IAPT) or talking therapies are effective and confidential treatments delivered by fully trained and accredited NHS practitioners. They can help with common mental health problems like stress, anxiety, and depression. (NHS, 2021). The office for national statistics (ONS) produced an info graphic depicting these varying wait times in 2020/2021 and show the huge differences across the UK. (Baker, 2021).
(Baker, 2021).
There is still much room for improvement.
97% of respondents to a 2017 community mental health survey indicated they were unsure of who to call with mental health concerns. According to the NHS England Five Year Forward View for Mental Health, 75% of those who experience mental health issues get no care at all, and in some of the worst-performing regions of the nation, waiting times for treatment can reach 124 days. (NICE, 2018).
Since the NHS was established 70 years ago, the mental health services provided have undoubtedly improved. Access to care has improved, as have the therapeutic options available. Social barriers, particularly those relating to public perceptions are beginning to be knocked down. More openly and favourably than ever before, mental health is being discussed, especially by young people driving positive change. (NICE, 2018).
It is of vital importance that we keep this momentum going. If we don't invest in mental healthcare now, we will have more people with depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders in the future because they won't be able to get the treatment they need when they need it.
The stigma surrounding mental health still exists and it is difficult for people to get help. This can be due to lack of knowledge about the availability of treatment, lack of money for private care or even embarrassment. Mental health illness can be debilitating and should not be ignored or belittled by society.
Don’t suffer in silence, reach out and get help if you need to.
Some great resources for support and information about mental health.
Mind UK (2020). How Common Are Mental Health problems? [online] Available at:
Centre for Mental Health (2020). Mental Health inequalities: Factsheet | Centre for Mental Health. [online] Available at:
NHS (2021). NHS talking therapies. [online] Available at:
Baker, C. (2021). Mental Health statistics: prevalence, Services and Funding in England. [online] Available at:
NICE (2018). Mental health and the NHS. [online] Available at: